
May 11, 2020

From Stigma to Mad Pride: Fighting for Visibility Podcast


Episode 3: Noah (June 4, 2020) (Watch Video)
Episode 2: Hailee (May 29, 2020)
Episode 1: Asha & Sindhu (May 20, 2020) (Watch Video)

About From Stigma to Mad Pride Podcast

From Stigma to Mad Pride is a Capstone Project led by a trio of UIC students in the Disability and Human Development undergraduate program. For the Spring 2020 term, under the guidance of UIC Professor Roooshey Hasnain and CIRCA- Pintig’s Artistic Director, Ginger Leopoldo, they explored the possibilities of serving the disability community to de-stigmatize mental health within the context of the intersectionality of mental health and Asian Americans identity, and/or Asian immigrants identity.

The purpose was to gather stories of individuals’ experiences and create a platform by podcast as storytelling. They sought to extend the mission of CIRCA – Pintig in advocating for the well-being and cultural understanding of Asian immigrants, Asian Americans in Chicago. In portraying and giving voice to community members at the intersection of mental health and Asian immigrant/Asian Americans identity, mental health stigmas give way to Mad Pride, and form alliances throughout the student population of the University of Illinois at Chicago and surrounding Chicago immigrant communities.

The work is essential to, not simply telling our immigrant stories, but also, engaging our community in a collective reflection of key issues, and, most importantly, uncovering creative solutions for our community’s particular concerns. CIRCA-Pintig is an ally for disability and mental health activism in Asian and Asian American communities.  This program’s mission is to continue the invaluable dialogue created across students and faculty, families and communities.

DHD 400 is a 16-week capstone course at UIC for undergraduates. Students are matched with activist groups and community-based organizations to produce a service-learning project that they develop— in partnership with people with disabilities, and their families, as well as self-advocates, practitioners, researchers, legal and civil rights advocates, educators, disability leaders, local officials, policymakers, artists and theater groups, and allies. The capstone is structured to cultivate interdisciplinary, innovative project-based partnerships that bring students, faculty, and community leaders— together to advance disability studies to new levels! The DHD 400 experience is transformative for our students, who move from service learning to activism.